Baf! don quichot komt af!


Adaptation of the pamphleteering Russian play 'Don Quixote', on freedom and making choices, supplemented with extracts from Miguel Cervantes' original.

Premiere: June 1998, Kattendijkdok, Antwerp (BE), in the pouring rain.

Adaptation: Waas Gramser, Kristin Van Pellicom
Met: Waas Gramser, Kris Van Trier, Frank Dierens, Benjamin Verdonck, Valentine Kempynck, Johan Heldenbergh, Kristin van Pellicom, Arnaud Jacobs, Peter Terryn, Carly Wys, Robijn Wendelaar, Stijn van Opstal
Co-production: De Onderneming in association with the City of Antwerp

Past play dates

June 1998

Baf! don quichot komt af!

Kattendijkdok – Antwerpen (BE)